17 March 2007

Loadsa car

Leaving later than usual for work, I couldn't at first work out why I was met with a constant stream of enormous 4x4 vehicles coming the other way. I wondered if it was some sort of rally. Then I noticed that the occupants all appeared the same : a confident-looking if rather indifferently bored driver and teenaged passengers all dressed alike in the uniform of the expensive local private school.

The twin bogies of Chelsea tractors making their profligate contribution to environmental damage and public school elitism.

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At 9:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Green Fascist. Go and take your envy out on some other cause, and leave us who've worked hard for where we've got alone.

At 5:03 am, Blogger Weasle said...

How is it posible to be green and a Fascist? Unless you imply green as in envy, which our Dweasel can not be. I for one love him/her!

At 4:15 pm, Blogger Dweasle said...

Why thanks, Weasle! I love you, too!


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