26 April 2011


I know that I will not always feel like this, but I start today - my first true day as an ex-PO - with a sense of elation and freedom that is almost euphoric.

For everyone else, including poor Annie, it is the first day back after the Easter weekend.  But I have the freedom to choose what I do, and (so far) the health and financial security to put my ideas into practice.

I want to achieve a balance between spontaneity and structure, and believe that it is very important that I have a clear idea of what I want to achieve, rather than just drift.  I want to know when I go to bed what my plan is for the next day, but also have the flexibility to change things if I feel like it.

I have pages of ideas, including some big projects.  But today it's a simple plan:  cycle to meet a friend in Glastonbury for coffee, do some errands in town, sort out supper and then return to read.  How good does all that sound?


25 April 2011

Going, going...

A bit like the parrot in Monty Python, I am now ex-, although in my case ex-probation officer rather than expired.  Or at least that was the case at the time of writing.

Leaving a job after so many years - more than 30 in my case - is to break with a habit of almost an adult life-time.  But I've had time to think about what it might be like, and to adjust to the concept.      

As I said in my farewell speech, the thing I will miss most is colleagues rather than the work.  And if the friendships are true, then I will remain in contact.  I was grateful of a good send-off and moved by the significant sum of nearly £160, raised from a comparatively small office, towards the Mind mental health project that I wanted to support in lieu of a leaving present.  

Meanwhile the sun is shining, I have had a great few days cycling and gardening.   And tomorrow, when others return after the Easter weekend, I am biking to meet a  friend for coffee.  Which will be a true novelty on a Tuesday morning.