25 September 2011

Green with envy

New magazine titles seem to come and go as quickly as flies.

Not that many years ago,  the newsagent offerings were limited to a couple of shelves.  Now there are hundreds on display.

The most recent to catch my eye was the rather quaintly-named The Green Parent (what?!).  On the cover, a young mother-earth figure beatifically beaming goodness and vitality, while an ethnically-attired child played contentedly at her sandaled feet.  

The front page teasers included 'win organic bedding for your children...and more'.   (Organic bedding?  Now that wouldn't be straw by any chance?)  And the irresistible 'How to make your own tree journal.'   

Might I suggest the following:  Write it?  

All yours for £3.95.

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05 September 2011

Sorry old chum - that seat's taken

Is it just coincidence, or is space bagging a predominantly middle-class characteristic?

It always seems to be those who look particularly comfortably off who are adept at it.  I'm thinking of the man who bags (literally, by scattering luggage around) all four table seats in a crowded train compartment.  Or the woman in a busy local  coffee place on Saturday, who was sitting alone in a prime position with coat on one chair and bag on another.

On this occasion, I decided to confront.  

"May I sit here?" I ventured, boldly.  

"Ye-ess", she said drawled, doubtfully.

"It's just that there is a bag on this chair....."

"Yes - it's mine."  

And then silence, with no attempt to move it.

Perhaps it's a public school thing:  a mixture of self-confidence and bloody-mindedness in respect of others.   

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